Spray Techniques and Patterns
- Proper spray technique is very important to achieve a good finish.
- Always spray at a distance of 6 to 8 inches from your target.
- Keep the gun vertical and parallel to your target throughout each entire pass.
- Make sure that your wrist remains firm during each pass.
- More detailed spraying can be done with the gun tip as close as 2 inches from your target.
- Trigger the gun only after your pass begins, and release the trigger before stopping your motion.
- Do not angle your gun upward or downward while spraying. Angled spraying will develop an uneven paint buildup.
- Overlap your passes approximately 50% for an even finish.
Horizontal Spray Pattern
- Over spray the end of the print, then return to the left with 50% overlapped on the first pass and with 50% on the untreated media.
- Repeat overlapping pattern until the whole print is sprayed.
- *Alternative: Spray 2 passes at start and end, with 50% overlap on all other passes.
Vertical Spray Pattern
- Start in the upper left corner.
- Spray in a VERTICAL direction down with the 50% of the spray on the print and 50% overlapped over the edge.
- Return to the top with 50% overlapped the first pass and 50% on untreated (once coated) media.
- Repeat until the whole print is sprayed.
- Dry completely, (when coating becomes clear).
- Higher humidity will take longer.
- The next coat can be applied when the second coating is dry to the touch and the milky white appearance has disappeared 20 minutes minimum.